13. Jesus is taken down from the Cross (Mt 27.59; Mk 15.46; Lk 23.53; Jn 19.39)
Never lose courage; I am beside you. Enter into Jesus' Wounds; enter into My Sorrowful Heart and feel My sorrow; feel how I weep. I come to many; I show them My Heart; I give signs by letting My Images shed tears; I appear at various places, but My children's hearts are covered by a thick crust - a layer of disbelief. They ridicule those who believe. The Word of God means nothing to them - the calls of God are ignored; they pay little heed on Our warnings. No one wants to listen on revelations given by God and spoken from His Mouth. Your era's faith has vanished - swept away by intolerance, perversion, cruelty and ignominy. How sorrowful My Immaculate Heart is. My Hand can no longer keep God's Arm from falling upon you. (August 6th, 1988)