H oly Spirit, Giver of Life,
Holy Spirit, Thrice Holy,
grant me that I, too, may grow in love
to know God and obtain His Kingdom;

grant me the Spirit of Piety
so that my spirit grows
in the principles of the Saints
and that my thoughts
turn into Your Thoughts,
my acts into Your Acts
which are all pure and divine;

Holy Spirit of Piety,
Friend of God,
teach me to reach perfection
and control over every part of myself
which is so evil,
so that I may obtain Eternal Life;

Spirit of Piety,
ever so beautifully dressed,
come to me and dress my spirit in purity
that I, too, may be pleasing in God's Eyes;

dress my soul with a living Spirit
to serve the Holy Trinity
with honour and grace;

let me die to my principles,
let me die to my partiality,
my tepidity, my lethargy and my ambitions;
come and revive me into Your Purity;

Supplier of the fruit of the Tree of Life,
Eternal Joy, grant me Your Spirit too
to be kin to the Holy Trinity
and an heir8 to Your Kingdom;
let my tongue taste what is most pure
in the Light of God thrice Holy
and consume the One who said:
'I am the Bread of Life;'

Holy Spirit of Life, thrice Holy,
grant my spirit to attain perfections
in the Science of the Spirit of Piety;
to learn how to observe with fear
what is real Flesh and real Food,
what is real Blood and real Drink
so that I may live in the Father,
in the Son and in the Holy Spirit,
Trinitarian but One, in the unity of essence;

make my soul work for Your intentions
which are holy and redemptive,
most pleasing in Your Eyes;
by entering my soul, Your Spirit of Piety
will turn me into a devout and fervent servant;

Starlight of my soul,
pass on to me the piety of your Saints
to keep Your Laws holy
and graciously show Yourself to my wretched soul
to remind me that incorruptibility
will bring me near the Trinitarian God
Most Powerful and Most Holy,
hence nothing impure will be able
to find its way in me,
amen; ic;

June 19, 1995

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