E ternal Father,
may Your Name be hallowed,
to know You is eternal Life,
to know You is to know the Truth,
Father of all Wisdom,
sanctify me with Your Holy Spirit
so that my heart will utter
sayings full of wisdom;

Unique and Perfect,
Source of Sublime Love,
Your Majesty, ravish my heart
to praise You night and day;

Fountain of Myrrh and Aloes,
fragrance my wretched soul
with Your delicate fragrance
so that when I meet
My King and Your Beloved Son,
He will not turn His Eyes away from me;
to know You is to be in Your Light,
this Light which will show me the Way
and draw me in Your Beloved Son's Footsteps;

Well of Living Water, come,
come and immerse me your child
in Your Stream that flows profusely
out of Your Sanctuary;

O God! I love You to tears!
let my wretched soul long for
all that is Holy,
let my soul taste Your Tenderness,
Yahweh, You are my God,
I praise Your Name,
for You have looked upon my wretched soul
and filled it with the brightness of Your Glory;

my heart sings to You Father,
my spirit rejoices in Your Spirit;
O God, my Father,
allow my soul to succumb in Your Loving Arms
by setting Your Seal on my heart
so that my love for You
becomes stronger than Death itself; amen;

March 2, 1993

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